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Date : 2010/11/03 | Hits : 3440

Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg.
“大(Big) 馬(Horse) 不(Never) 死(Die).”
This maxim reflects the economic logic applied in xxx.
Korean economy during the past decades. This means the conglomerates such as Hyundai, Samsung is so influential in Korean economy that the Korean government is not likely to let them default even when their returns on sale are declining.

However, the economic turmoil characterized as IMF regime since the late 1997 broke down this concept to a great extent. The main characteristic of IMF era is the increase in the desire for valuable information, which is useful for investment based on the rational decision-making procedure of investors. Accordingly, the need for credit rating institution has been increasing and due diligence has emerged as the social liability of those sorts of organizations. It seems like the role of credit rating institutes such as Standard & Poors and Moodys was greatly emphasized in the course of Great Depression in American society.

The drastic social changes in Korea have served as a momentum to reconsider the importance of credit rating information. Likewise, it enabled me to stabilize my future career plan. I believe that I will make my dream come true in challenging certified financial analyst in the near future. This is the primary reason why I would like to pursue MBA degree in the U.S.A. My short-term goal is to contribute to the community to which I belong as a qualified credit rating analyst. My long-range aspiration is to establish the most authoritative credit rating corporation to provide worldwide investors with credit information on the corporations in Asian countries such as Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore together with my accountant and analyst colleagues with whom I will be familiar through my job career. This plan will function as a contributor to the stable investment decision for worldwide investors.

I have realized the importance of the comprehensive knowledge on the overall business administration such as marketing, human resource management, and organization behavior in order to expand the perimeter of understanding of the overall industry while working as an analyst in Korean Chemical Industry for the past six months. More than anything else, I have recognized that credit rating requires obtaining comprehensive knowledge on the BA on a larger scale, not to mention accounting and finance. In order to assess the credit grade of each company in more accurate manner, it is critically necessary that the calculation of the potential in as high level as the state and industry to which the company belongs as well as analytical review on the financial sector of the company. The actual assessment has increasingly focused on the prediction of the risk in which the industry involves, the quality of managers, and the process of sales in the company rather than statistical assessment through financial statement analysis.

The fact that I recognized is that the credit rating technique is still far behind that of the U.S.A. While the U.S.A has provided the credit information for investors before Great Depression in 1930's, Korean credit rating institutes have not been established until 1985. Furthermore, it was just two years ago when the credit rating started to play a substantial role in the market. I believe that the knowledge acquired through MBA course will be a great inspiration to me in the sense that I will be able to accomplish my goal, which pursues specialist in the field of credit rating. In particular, Kellogg school will be helpful to me in the sense that it provides comprehensive knowledge on business administration rather than specific knowledge such as finance seen in the case of Warton and Chicago. For these reason, my supervisor is positively considering my pursuit of MBA degree in Kellogg. This is the primary reason I want to pursue MBA degree in Kellogg.

As an auditor and consultant, I have worked for xxx Corporation, one of the largest xxx for three and a half years since I passed the exam of CPA, December 19xx. The working experience that I earned as an auditor of Korean leading company enabled me to promote the comprehensive understanding about the characteristics of industries to which the companies and their operation process belong. I have so far worked as an analyst in the xxx industry department of xxx, one of the greatest credit rating institutes in Korea since June 19xx. The experience of audit and financial statement analysis in the accounting firm serves as great help to me in accomplishing analyst task as of now. Moreover, I believe that the experience I have already developed in the firm as well as the knowledge I will obtain in the MBA program will serve as great asset to my career development. Each of our applicants is unique. Describe how your background, values, and non-work-related activities will enhance the experiences of other Kellogg students.

Personally, I believe in the power of teamwork. My conviction is The power of teamwork is infinite and make something impossible possible . This conviction has been made through my personal experiences for years. This means that my conviction is by no means a fantasy that I have been taught through textbook but the outcome of my personal experience. I am eager to spread the power of teamwork to my potential fellows in Kellogg. I want to set a good example for the peers in Kellogg in terms of know-how in accomplishing mission impossible with the power of teamwork, brotherhood and the sense of fulfillment. When I was young, I was able to overcome my physical drawback with the power of teamwork. In addition, I got through with the hardship through teamwork in college as well as in the army. More than that, in the name of teamwork, I was able to pass the exam of KCPA (Korean Certified Public Accountant), one of the most competitive exams. As a matter of fact, I was a part of study group working on the KCPA exam. Four of us successfully passed the exam by splitting exam preparation now that our five-team members were willing to share useful information on the exam one another.

My sense of value with a heavy weight on the teamwork will be a great asset in performing team project or case study in an outstanding manner. I would like to prove the greatness of teamwork philosophy in the title of 멪nited we stand, divided we fall to help Kellogg student learn the power of teamwork. When it comes to my career progress, I, primarily, would like to point out the experience as an auditor and consultant at the largest accounting firm in Korea. In addition, I have worked as a credit analyst with which my strong analytical skill in the field of finance. I suppose it will enable my potential classmates to experience what they cannot learn from any second-hand sources that they might have. The practical knowledge that I obtained in the firm can be linked with the theoretical knowledge that I learned in the BA department in college. I believe that I have considerably enhanced the realm of knowledge in the field of accounting and finance to a great extent.

During my service in the xxx, I was able to work as an auditor in top class companies such as xxx Bank (one of the leading commercial banks in Korea), xxx (the biggest trading company) and xxx (the biggest ship builder in the world). I am confident that the working experience I have developed will be a great basis for the class to which I might belong in terms of understanding and second-hand experience on the Korean economy. In addition, it will provide a better guidance for my classmates who will be possibly involved in the business and investment in Korea.
Outside of work:I play baseball together with college peers and company colleagues on a weekly basis.

To be honest, I am not such a good baseball player. I am largely responsible for carrying kettle as well as playing as a left fielder in terms of position in the game. As a matter of fact, I am in charge of the kettle when nine or more players in my team show up. The thing is I am able to play as a left fielder only when less than nine players in my team turn up. While the fielders are usually taking an important role in the game in case of professional baseball, the fielders in amateur baseball game are supposed to take a minor part in the game. Among them, left fielder is considered to be the position whose role is the smallest in the game because the ball is not likely to reach outside the diamond in amateur games. That's why they tend to pick up left fielder among those who are relatively poor at baseball. In this context, I am the right person they want. That is what I am.

Although I don't have any particular talent on baseball and little chance to participate in the game for the most part, I am satisfied with the fact that I am able to play baseball with colleagues. No wonder do I believe that my baseball skill is gradually improving even though I have yet to contribute to the team as the best player. To the best of my belief, I do contribute to the team as a runner coach or kettle boy occasionally. The reason why I like baseball more than any other sports is that teamwork is the determining factor of the game rather than individual ability. Unlike basketball or volleyball mainly depending on the best player of the game, baseball is the game of teamwork. I believe that teamwork stems from the collective efforts of overall team members including main players, runner coaches and even benchwarmers. That's why amateur baseball clubs can maintain even though they are not rich enough to borrow ballpark and equipped with poor appliance.

The favorite part of the baseball game is not the baseball itself but the brother hood of concession and encouragement or beauty of harmony created by the mixture of perspiration and passion.
If I were selected as a member of the Kellogg Admission Committee, I will rate the academic qualification of applicants as follows. I would like to put a heavy weight on the following three criteria among various ones. First of all, it is the leadership that requires harmonious communication skill with various personnel such as supervisor and clientele within the organization. Secondly, it is the unique career that can contribute to the diversity of the class.

Finally, I will emphasize the international mindset commensurate with the understanding of the current flow of international economy such as globalization and regionalization. With these criteria, I am able to come to the conclusion that Mr. xxx is cut out for our MBA program. In other words, he is the right person that Kellogg is willing to accept as a potential student.
First of all, xxx has met the needs of clients all the time with integrity and driving force. Among the projects in which he participated, the CD case of xxx is a good example of his leadership in the sense that he did a great job without any previous information or feedback. This case was that xxx was put in the court in reference to the countervailing duty (CD).

In this case, he took the role of team leader dealing with the CD case. The chances were that xxx, as well as the sales of xxx could have been undermined in the consulting market in case the judgment of dumping was unfavorable to the client. It, however, was an exceptional case with which xxx. never dealt until then. Accordingly, there was no experienced specialist in the firm during that time.Nevertheless, xxx had the project well done by studying related areas along with two junior accountants for two months and consulting lawyers in Washington on the line on a daily basis. As a result, xxx was assessed no more than 1% in terms of marginal rate while the xxx, one of the competitors was rated as high as 4-5% at a marginal rate. Therefore, xxx was able to take the favorable position in the prospective export market.

Secondly, xxx has enough capability to follow our program in that he is on the right track of unique career. Accordingly, he has a potential to turn out an outstanding performance. I can appreciate his potential value in that he is one of the accountants who work for credit rating institute. In Korea, no more than 50 accountants are working for the credit rating organization. In effect, the credit rating strongly requires the knowledge on financial statements and partially utilizes audit technique. In this context, xxx will make the best of advantageous position and benefit as a pioneer in the field of corporate credit rating.
Third, he worked in the U.S. Army for two and a half years, going through the American culture and their way of thinking. In addition, he was able to broaden his perspective on the business environment and local audit regulation through overseas business trip to Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand for the audit of foreign subsidiaries of xxx Bank.

In addition, he stayed in New York and Los Angeles on business for the audit of xxx Inc. and xxx in 19xx. In this regard, he seems to have no problem with catching up with the courses in school as well as daily life in America. His international experience turns out the fact that he has the capability to carry out his duty successfully in terms of international business in the future. With everything considered, I believe he has a superb and consistent career compared to other applicants and has an appropriate purpose to pursue MBA program in Kellogg. In conclusion, I am confident that he is the right person for the Kellogg program.

4-A.Whenever someone asks me about my most valued accomplishment, I always talk about the soccer game when I was in a second year in high school. The reason why I have cherish the soccer game more than anything else is it has served as the motivation to my life since I personally experienced the incredible power of teamwork in the game.
When I was in high school, I belonged to the class made up of top 10% students of the whole class in terms of academic performance. One summer day, 11 students from my class, myself included, had a soccer game with the students from other class. The result was that my team was completely defeated by the score of 10 to 0. It was incredible score considering amateur game. But, the saddest thing was that they made fun of us saying, 밳ou team is nothing but a bunch of sand in the name of qualified students . I had no choice but to acknowledge that every single member in my team was so selfish that we had had no intention of sacrificing ourselves even a drop of sweat or blood for our peers.

Accordingly, we came to a conclusion that we would not lose the game again by developing teamwork and endurance. Therefore, we made vigorous efforts to develop teamwork and endurance by jogging at a long distance in the morning and after school. I still remember the memory that we encouraged one another by singing a marching song and feeling a cold air at dawn. Two months later, my team was also defeated by 3 to 1. But we shouted in Hurrah, We won! We won! We didn't even stand up lying down on the ground with a mixture of sweat and blood on our faces. We were able to feel the real friendship and something sentimental from the bottom of our heart keeping hand in hand. Although we lost the game, the only goal we made during the 90 minutes of the game was called the goal in honor I will surely talk in circle about this game to my son and even grandson. I swear that it was the greatest job I have done in my whole life.

C. People may be surprised when they learn that I applied for the military police (MP) whose job requires severe discipline and training. Yet, I eventually received the Army Recommendation Medal when I was discharged from the army. This medal results from the constant efforts from repenting critical mistake on duty, which gave me a great lesson like listen to your clientele. I worked as an MP whose discipline was notorious for its strictness in the U.S. army. For my part, I could be promoted to the position of squad leader, who can control the GI when I was promoted to a sergeant. It was an exceptional case for KATUSA during that time. The wrong inclination that I developed was to downplay subordinate soldiers and turn a deaf ear to them. When there was a simulation combat training called ARTEP after I had been appointed as a squad leader, my duty was to confuse the back of virtual enemy turning around the foothill with my squad.

It was so hot a summer day that we were dead tired when we met narrow bridge crossing small stream. By the time when we tried to cross the bridge, one of my soldiers suggested that we should send the reconnaissance team over the bridge to check if there was no enemy in ambush. The load marching skill was a typical tactics depicted even in the tactical manual of infantry. But I was so offended that I ignored his suggestion and even made fun of his tactical knowledge because he seemed to break the chain of command. So I didn't send any recon team over the bridge. Instead, I was just watching every soldier in my squad crossing the bridge and disappearing into the bush. As soon as I crossed the bridge, I found that all soldiers were caught with their hands on their head. No wonder the enemy in ambush caught them. In fact, they were staring at me as if they were saying that I was an idiot.

Since then, my squad came to be a source of mockery from other squads, which made me hard to endure because my soldiers were blamed for my folly. With this incident, however, I was able to square away my misbehavior to ignore the opinion from subordinates. The lesson that I obtained was there is always something that I can learn from even the inferior person. It served as a great motto in completing the rest of my army service and eventually got discharged from the army in honor
F. I wish the Admission Committee had asked me about discrepancy in the length of professional experience. My academic information says that I worked for 4 years in the section of years of full-time work experience even though I obtained the B.A in February 19xx. Probably, it seems to have a discrepancy between both of them in the length of professional experience. However, it is true that I started the professional career when I was a junior in college.

Unlike the American accounting firms composed of those who have various careers, Korean accounting firms usually consist of CPA no less than 90% of the whole specialist. Accordingly, despite the huge demand for CPA, the government regulates the number of CPA. Annually, less than 300 CPA come out as accounting specialists. As a result, the recruitment of CPA is highly competitive among accounting firms every year. As far as I am concerned, I got job offers from top class accounting firms when I was a junior in college. After all, I got the job a full-time accountant in xxx Corp. one of the largest accounting firms in Korea. Therefore, I had to handle both work and studies when I was a senior in college.

But I didn't have any difficulties in covering both of them because I had taken the crucial classes prior to 4th year in college. During that time, I basically spent more client time than any other colleagues in the firm through night shift or weekend shift. That't why I was recognized as a formal full timer and promoted to a senior associate 6 months ahead of other colleagues who joined the company together. Therefore, my job experience should be considered more than 4 years from December of 19xx all the way up to now even though I graduated from the college in February 20xx.

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